Revisiting charts: NodeJS, Twitter and Elasticsearch

Some time ago, I developed a mashup using NodeJS and Couchbase to demonstrate how to use Couchbase to create stats and charts. Despite I still use Couchbase for many things in my day-to-day basis, it does not provide any comfortable way to perform free text search, so I moved to ElasticSearch for some projects. In this series of posts I show how to create a very basic NodeJS application that gets tweets from Twitter stream, stores them into ElasticSearch and get some charts about them. First thing first, you have to install ElasticSearch. If you are using a Mac and Homebrew, just brew the following formula: $ brew install elasticsearch And then, run ElasticSearch as you prefer. Example: $/usr/local/bin/elasticsearch -f -D es.config=/usr/local/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml After a few seconds, you will get something like this on you terminal: [2014-01-13 20:55:08,290][INFO ][node ] [Rhiannon] {0.20.2}[36723]: initializing ... [2014-01-13 20:55:08,309][INFO ][plugins ] ...